Monday, October 24, 2016

Journal 4 Blog Post Project Plan

Site title - WIP

Developer - Anthony Lu

Rational or focus - The purpose of the site is to provide materials for the Chemistry lab class that I teach.  It will contain information about the course and will have the key points that were discussed each week.

Main features outline - PDFs of all the course handouts will be available, as well as links to supplemental material.  Every week will get its own section and will contain summaries of the key points that were discussed.

Content -
  1. Course Information
  2. Weeks(Week 1, Week 2, etc).  Each week page will also have links to related supplemental material
  3. Grades
  4. About me
Target audience - The audience for the site will primarily be people who are currently enrolled in the course.  But people who interested in taking the course in the future may also find it helpful.

Design consideration -
  1. Easy to navigate
  2. Mobile friendly
  3. Loads quickly, should not have too many images
Limiting factors -  The main technical factor would be figuring out how to make a site that looks good on both mobile and desktop screens.

Site map
 Wire frame

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